События в Армении
New Details of the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenian Doctors in 2015
As already informed, on 2-4 of July, 2015 will take place the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenian doctors in Armenia. Organizational works have been already launched aimed to make the purpose of the Congress closer to the doctors. The Med-Practic team regularly refers to the news of the 4IMCA and presents the results of ongoing works.
The following meeting took a grave turn. Almost all the medical professional associations representing the organizers, heads of medical centers, and heads of YSMU current departments took part in this meeting.
During the scientific session the President of the 4IMCA, Ara Babloyan was introduced with the opening speech, briefly presented the importance of the main aims, organizing processes and attendees being actively engaged in those processes. Then, Ara Babloyan invited the Chair of the Scientific Committee and Armenian Medical Academy, Levon Mkrtchyan, as well as the Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee Yuri Tunyan.
During the meeting Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee Sergey Sargsyan presented in detail the requirements of the abstracts and informed of the possible option to send those abstracts online. At the end of his speech, he answered to the questions of the attendees and talked about the Congress’s accreditation mentioning the importance and the possible choice for getting a credit from abroad.
Professor Yuri Tunyan presented the works of the Scientific Committee of the Congress. He stated “The Scientific Committee of the Congress will organize plenary meetings, where will be discussed the topics and issues bothering Armenian doctors. Moreover, there will be plenty of section meetings. Those meetings will have specialized direction, where our Armenian doctors coming from different parts of the world will share their experience and success. The Scientific Committee will write articles which will be edited and licensed by specialists. Furthermore, we will create collection of those articles for the participants.”
Head of HealthCare Programs, National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia and CO-Chairman of the 4IMCA Gevorg Yaghjyan presented interesting details about the organizing works of the Congress.
– Besides the transmission of the scientific idea and networking, we try to use more rational the presence of the prominent doctors in Armenia. Especially, it is assumed that those specialists, who take a high position in medical or other fields in their own country, will organize satellite symposia with support of the local groups and associations.
– Please, in more detail...
– IMCA gives an opportunity to associations to contact with the advanced specialist coming to Armenia, in advance. Our Org. Committee will inform in advance all the registered associations and working groups about the arrival of the specialist of their field. Association will be able to choose the necessary topic in order to offer and actualize in the symposium. Each of the arriving professors can read reports about various topics, but the important thing here is to choose a topic typical to our country and features. This should ensure the association. It’s necessary to organize a specialized group of listeners. Unlike Congress, satellite symposia will be free of charge, but more training. The reason is that it will be hard ensure the training function during the 10 minutes reports in the Congress. Thus, we will try to complete it through satellite symposia.
– What is your experience of organizing satellite symposia? What are the results?
– During the Congress of 2010 we organized 10 satellite symposia, where have been presented 10-15 reports. In 2007. The greatest symposium of the Congress was held by neurologists, during which besides interesting reports has been told of the creation of stroke center for the first time in Armenia. During the Congress, the new start of a great work was established. And, in 2013, September we registered significant contributions in that field. As a result, today Armenia has 2 stroke centers. Thus, those centers were been established due to the cooperation within the Congress.
– Let’s speak of the purpose of the IMCA, considering that training is not the primary function here.
– This Congress doesn’t contain a great scientific idea. It assumes the cooperation of our doctors and those coming from abroad. The last day of the Congress will be devoted to Armenia-Diaspora cooperation. Organizations and doctors will introduce to the samples of the cooperation, and our compatriots form Diaspora will present their proposals connected with the improvement of Armenia’s healthcare system. We try to make convenient the exchange of ideas.
The Chair of YSMU “alternative medicine” department Associated Professor Mkrtich Avagyan, who is Co-Chair of the Committee for Armenia – Diaspora relations in the 4IMCA’s organizing committee, talked about the conference in Russia of Armenian doctors taking place on October 15th. “This is the first conference, in which Armenian specialists working in Russia will participate. We have a great personnel potential: approximately 1500 specialists, academicians, prominent doctors, nearly 50 chairs of departments of various educational institutions, chairs of medical academies having PH.D. Our primary issue is the program discussions and continuous cooperation with the specialists of high academic degrees.
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